Termination of shareholders’ agreement
Certain senior officers of State Printing House Plc and its major owner, EG Capital SA have ceased their previous shareholders’ agreement and coordinated acting.
Pursuant to section 55 of act CXX of 2001 on capital markets and section II/1 of annex 4 of decree 24/2008. (VIII.15.) on Ministry of Finance and in accordance with the requirements stated in the Statutes of State Printing House Plc, the Company hereby informs the capital market players about the following, based on the information received from the shareholders and authorized by them:
Certain shareholders of the Company, E.G. CAPITAL SA. (registered office: 2, avenue Charles de Gaulle L-2013 Luxembourg, registered number: B 109281), GYÖRGY GYERGYÁK, vice chairmain of the board of directors of State Printing House Plc, GÁBOR ZSÁMBOKI, general manager of State Printing House Plc and GYÖRGY VAJDA, member of the Supervisory Board of State Printing House Plc (hereafter referred to as ‘the Shareholders’) has ceased on 14 October 2008 the shareholder’s agreement and act coordinated concluded and modified on 6 July 2007 pursuant to heading 100 of article 1 of section 5 of act CXX of 2001 on capital markets and article 1 of section 65/A of the same act.
State Printing House Plc