History of ANY Security Printing Company PLC
The legal predecessor of State Printing House was established in Timisoara as the branch of the Viennese Imperial and Royal Court and State Printing House. In 1868 the Hungarian Royal State Printing Company was transferred to the treasury, and moved to Buda to operate independently as a producer of financial, military and treasury forms as well as value articles. In 1994 the printing company moved to Kőbánya from the prestigious buildings in Buda Castle after nearly 130 years of activities characterized by the maintenance of traditions and renewal at the same time.
After the privatization in 1993 State Printing House Plc. started to develop and produce new security products. Besides the production of security and business forms as well as plastic cards, the company undertook a significant role in the elaboration of concepts of document reforms carried out after the regime change as well as in the development of document protection elements, and extended its portfolio in the development of electronic document management systems and the archiving of files as well. Results of the developments can be seen in the financial figures which have been continuously increasing since 1993.
A new development stage was started with the Corporation’s introduction to the stock exchange in December 2005. Due to the steady profitable operation, State Printing House Plc. has been successfully performing on the stock exchange floor and the Corporation’s shares are registered as ‘A’ category shares by the Budapest Stock Exchange. Transparency of the Corporation’s business activities has been increased by its presence in the stock exchange, which is demonstrated by the fact that the Corporation is classified by investors and analysts as one of the most transparent corporations present in the stock exchange.
The strategy based on complex solutions focuses on development of the areas such as secure personal identification, innovative product identification as well as the form management. All actions taken for cost efficiency and steps taken to clear the portfolio in the past years contributed to the fact that more than 90 percent of the Printing House’s sales were high value added products. All these are supported by the Document Security Laboratory established in 1999 which is definitely specialized in developments and currently works with nearly twenty highly qualified researchers in subjects such as the application of nanotechnology in the printing industry or possibilities of the use of RFID technology.
State Printing House operates as ANY Security Printing Company PLC from 1st of February, 2013.
Due to the growth over the past years, ANY Group has become one of the largest security printing houses with the second largest sales in the Central and Eastern European region according to assessments of the international marketing company PIRA. Besides the national subsidiaries – Gyomai Kner Nyomda Zrt., Specimen Zrt., Techno-Progress Kft. – the Corporation has subsidiaries in Slovakia (Slovak Direct, spol. s. r. o.) while having companies under joint control in Bulgaria (Direct Services o.o.d.), in Moldova (Tipo Direct Serv s.r.l.) and in Romania (Tipo Direct S.R.L.; S. C. Zipper Data s.r.l.). The companies operating under joint control provide personalization and archiving services for banks, insurance companies, telecommunication and trade enterprises as well as public utility companies. Trade in the Corporation’s products in foreign countries is managed by them as well. The subsidiaries mainly perform commercial tasks; they sell plastic cards, document security products and service solutions.