Pharmaceutical industry, healthcare

The establishment of a sustainable health care and health system represents a basic problem in almost all countries of the world. In all cases, the most important condition of sustainability is to guarantee the financing of the system. It is necessary to face the fact that the expenses are growing due to the increase in the average age of the citizens as well as their more frequent and more expansive health provision arising from it, while the state suffers losses in the budget income because of the patients who do not pay their contributions. These factors endanger the security of health care services.

Products and services of ANY Security Printing Company PLC are capable of solving problems occurring from the low security level of the identification system, and enable the operation to be more effective by the communication between the different system elements. Besides, we are developing solutions applicable in the pharmaceutical industry as well, which can eliminate the growing number of falsifications of medicines and allow the tracing of those.

ANY PLC offers a full range of solutions both for secure patient identification and the set up of communication systems as well as the protection of therapeutic products: