Planned Event Calendar of ANY Security Printing Company PLC for Year 2014

According to point 18.3 of the Regulations of the Budapest Stock Exchange for Listing, Continued Trading and Disclosure, the following event calendar is published: 




Publication of 2013 results, interim management report (*)

28th February, 2014

Annual General Meeting of year 2014 (*)

18th April, 2014

Publication of 2013 annual report (*)

30th April, 2014

Publication of 2014 Q1 results, interim management report (*)

16th May, 2014

Publication of 2014 Q1-Q2 results, interim report (*)

15th August, 2014

Publication of 2014 Q1-Q3 results, interim management report (*)

2014. november 14.


* planned, not final date



ANY Security Printing Company PLC

former State Printing Company Plc.