Numerous Awards at PPDExpo

ANY Security Printing Company PLC received numerous awards at PPDExpo organised at Syma Hall in November, 2013.


“The Green Printing Company of the Year” prize, which was founded by the Hungarian magazine Nyomdavilág (Printing World) was awarded to ANY Security Printing Company PLC for the third time. The awards ceremony was held at PPDExpo on 19th November, 2013. 

The awards ceremony of Pro Typographia 2013 competition was also held at PPDExpo. The Arts – The Parliament 2012 special miniature sheet, which was ordered by Magyar Posta picked up a gold medal from the category of “security printed forms and securities” by the professional jury. 

The following were awarded with “excellent qualification”

  • new driving license document card,
  • Praktiker loyalty silver card,
  • Raiffeisen Bank One Card PayPass plastic card,
  • Easter 2013 regular postage stamp (miniature sheet, postage stamp), 6th World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples stamp, 85th Stamp Day – Kalocsa stamp collection, 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Rozgony stamp and 30th Olympic Games, London 2012 stamps that were all issued by Magyar Posta. 

 ANY Security Printing Company PLC