Complex solutions from State Printing House at the Kriminalexpo
The 16th Kriminalexpo, Hungary’s leading industry event for crime prevention, criminal investigation and private security, was held in Budapest between 15 and 17 April 2008. As a main sponsor of the event, State Printing House Plc has successfully presented its complex solutions in the field of vehicle and component protection and the fight against drug and food counterfeiting.
State Printing House Plc. has presented its innovative solutions to the professional participants of Kriminálexpo and the representatives of the press on the Company’s booth and during two professional presentations. In close relation with the topics of the conference, the Company described its complex solutions and proposals about reducing abuses with vehicle components and drug and food safety and tracking.
Prevention proposals in relation to abuses with vehicles
Car theft is one of the most wide-spread crimes across Europe. Lately, illegal trading with vehicle components has become more common instead of abuses with highly protected vehicle documents. The aim of the vehicle marking system developed by State Printing House and its partners is to track the whole history of vehicles and their main components from the first sale. The developed security component marking technology and the related electronic registering system can offer a solution for this problem.
During the first verification of origin, unique markings with special security elements and materials would be placed at the main components of cars which can be removed only with corrosion. Under all graphical security identifiers, special UV reagent marking material would be placed which ensures protection. A security label with RFID chip would be placed at the windshield which contains the data necessary to identify the vehicle and its components in an electronic format. These identifiers could easily and quickly be verified during an on-site police examination.
The other part of the system is the electronic service booklet. The document contains a multi-application chip which stores all data of the vehicle electronically. The solution is not only appropriate for secure control but it also offers an opportunity to document the guaranteed and other services of specialized service stations and it would authentically support the whole process of selling the vehicle, too. State Printing House already uses some elements of this system in Slovakia with success.
Unique identifiers in the fight against drug counterfeit
Nowadays counterfeits account for 5-10% of the whole drug turnover of the world. In this field of crime, 92% expansion is forecasted only in the USA for 2010 compared to the 2005 level. The solution for the problem is the identification and tracking of medicines which was stated by the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries Associations (EFPIA) in a recommendation in February 2006. According to this, the professional association proposes that the pharmaceutical packagings should be supplied with unique identifiers.
To realize this, more secure solutions and technology is available. The effectiveness of drug identification is increased by standardized unique identifiers which can be special bar codes or chips based on RFID technology. With their help, drugs could be identified at the different distribution points from the production facility to the pharmacy.
It should be ensured that customers, ie. patients can identify the genuineness of medicines without special tools when purchasing. So the applied security technology should be visible. A good example can be building in a security (latent) foil and a polar-filter into the packaging of the product. The security foil can be placed at the blister during production while the filter is built into the packaging. In this way, the genuineness of products can be controlled automatically when opening the box. In case of highly valuable drugs, an RFID chip used for electronic identification can be embedded into the packaging besides the latent image. These security elements do not increase the price of the product significantly but they guarantee the secure identification and tracking of drugs for both patients and controlling authorities. State Printing House has successfully tested the application of RFID tags in the pharmaceutical logistics together with its partners, e.g. TEVA drug producer in 2007.
State Printing House Plc