Change in the ownership of senior officer and insider person 10/07/2013
ANY Security Printing Company Plc. (hereinafter: Corporation) hereby meets the extraordinary disclosure requirements on its own behalf and on behalf of EG Capital SARL, Dr. Ákos Erdős, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tamás Erdős and Dr. Istvánné Gömöri, Deputy Chairman of Supervisory Board pursuant to section 61 § (1) and section 61 § (3), section 201/B-C. § and section 55 § (3) of Act CXX of 2011 on Capital Markets as well as to items 2.1. and 2.6. of Annex 4 of the 24/2008. (VIII.15.) Regulation of the Hungarian Ministry of Finance:
Dr Ákos Erdős, Chairman of the Board of Directors bought 1,000,001 pieces of registered common shares issued by ANY Security Printing Company Plc. at an average price of HUF 510 per piece in an OTC transaction from EG Capital SARL owned by him.
Tamás Erdős acquired 1,000,001 pieces of registered common shares issued by ANY Security Printing Company Plc. from Dr Ákos Erdős.
After the transaction, Dr Ákos Erdős owns 2,185,562 pieces of common shares issued by ANY Security Printing Company Plc. indirectly through EG Capital SARL, and Tamás Erdős owns 1,000,001 pieces of common shares issued by ANY Security Printing Company Plc. directly.
Dr. Ákos Erdős, Dr. Istvánné Gömöri and Tamás Erdős have concluded a shareholder agreement based on item 100 of section 5 § (1) as well as on section 65/A. § (1) of Act CXX of 2001 on Capital Markets and they will act in a concerted manner.
ANY Security Printing Company PLC
former State Printing House PLC