Announcement on the decrease of ownership by SICAV NATIXIS EUROPE AVENIR in State Printing House Plc.

State Printing House Plc. (hereinafter referred as: the Company) hereby announces the following pursuant to section 67 of act CXX of 2001 on capital markets and in accordance with the requirements stated in the Statutes of State Printing House Plc., based on the information received from the shareholders:

NATIXIS Asset Management (registered office: 21, quai d’Austerlitz 75013 Paris, registered number: R.C.S. 329 450 738 Paris – APE 671 C) informed the Board of Directors that SICAV NATIXIS EUROPE AVENIR (Immeuble Atlantique Montparnasse – Nord Pont, registered office: 7 place des Cinq Martyrs du Lycée Buffon 75015 Paris, registered number: 348 456 077 PCS Paris), whose assets are managed by NATIXIS Asset Management, has a propriety of 14,500 pieces of Series “A” registered ordinary shares issued by State Printing House Plc. with a par value of HUF 980 each, thus its ownership interest decreased under 2% in the Company.

State Printing House Plc.