Announcement on the acquisition of ownership by AEGON MoneyMaxx Expressz Investment Fund
Aegon Magyarország Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt. (registered office: Üllői út 1., 1091 Budapest, company registration number: 01-10-044261) informed the Board of Directors that Aegon MoneyMaxx Expressz Fund (listed number: 1111-129) managed by Aegon Magyarország Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt. increased its voting right in State Printing House PLC (registered office: Halom utca 5., 1102 Budapest, company registration number: 01-10-042030) from 1.97% to 3.54% on April 5, 2006, followed by a stock exchange share transfer.
Board of Directors of State Printing House PLC