Állami Nyomda has entered into another contract for supplying prescriptions
Állami Nyomda is expected to supply 509 million prescriptions in the following two years with a net value of 407.2 million HUF for the Hungarian State Health Fund (OEP).
Állami Nyomda won the right of supplying the prescriptions in an international tender which was an-nounced in the Official Journal of the European Union. Two years ago, a contract was made for sup-plying 384 million prescriptions which was extended by 126 million pieces by the Hungarian State Health Fund as a result of rising demand. The current tender involves supplying 509 million prescrip-tions altogether, which exceeds the amount two years ago by 33%. The prescriptions are containing security elements and Állami Nyomda prints not only the name, address and identity numbers but a unique serial number and bar code as well. The company personalizes about 1 million prescriptions daily on average and sends them in several hundreds of packages to the addresses given by the 40 000 doctors. Állami Nyomda has outstanding experience in producing large volume business forms personalized with unique data in Hungary and in the CEE region as well. The company together with its subsidiaries and joint ventures personalizes almost 6,5 million different security documents and business forms daily.
The sales revenue of the two year contract is included in the security products and solutions segment of the Company, which accounts for 34% of the turnover and in this way it is the largest product seg-ment. The sales revenue of this segment amounted to 3610 million HUF in Q3 2006 which exceeds the corresponding 2005 figure by 58%. According to the report of PIRA, an international market re-search company, Állami Nyomda is the largest security printing house in Hungary and the second largest in the CEE region. PIRA’s research forecasted that the security document market in the CEE region will grow dynamically by 16-17% annually in the following 2-3 years.
State Printing House Plc.
For further information please contact:
Gábor Zsámboki Deputy general manager Phone: 431 1222
* 2006 Q1-Q3 consolidated IFRS figures